FaZe and MOUZ Top HLTV Rankings, NAVI Drops

Ukrainian Teams Experience Changes in HLTV Rankings

FaZe MOUZ NAVI B8 Monte IKLA The Witchers Lazer Cats Passion UA SHAPITO

The weekly HLTV rankings have been updated, with FaZe rising to the top spot and MOUZ in second place. NAVI has dropped one position. Ukrainian teams have also seen changes in the rankings. NAVI has fallen to seventh place, Monte occupies the eighth spot. B8 has climbed 18 positions and now sits at 65th place, while IKLA remains in 96th place. The Witchers have lost 11 positions and are now at 98th place. Lazer Cats have dropped one position and are currently at 126th place. Passion UA has also lost 11 positions and now holds the 129th spot. SHAPITO has dropped 78 positions and is now at 207th place.

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MOUZ players
Monte players
NAVI (Natus Vincere) players
B8 (B8 Esports) players
Lazer Cats players