Complexity Triumphs Over Team Liquid, Advancing Towards CS2 Major

Complexity secures a victory over Team Liquid with prominent performances by Grim and EliGE, moving closer to the major in Counter-Strike 2.

ComplexityTeam LiquidCounter-Strike 2GrimEliGETwistzzNAF
Complexity Team Liquid Counter-Strike 2 Grim EliGE Twistzz NAF

In a crucial encounter on the battleground of Overpass, Complexity clinched a supportive victory against Team Liquid, marching with determination towards the CS2 Major. With the scoreboard reflecting a decisive 13:7, Complexity's Grim and EliGE proved instrumental, delivering ADRs of 97.1 and 98.8 respectively, reminiscent of their stellar performances in previous matches.

While Team Liquid's Twistzz and NAF demonstrated commendable skill, their efforts fell short of a win, despite the duo recently securing contract extensions with the team. Complexity's triumph, however, is a notable stride forward, especially in the wake of Jason Lake's reacquisition of the team, signaling a promising era for Complexity in the competitive realm of Counter-Strike 2.

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Liquid (Team Liquid) players
Complexity players