NAVI Secures a Decisive Victory Against BIG at IEM Dallas 2024

NAVI triumphs over BIG with a 13:9 win in IEM Dallas 2024 Group B, showcasing superior tactics and player performances, particularly from JDC, iM, and w0nderful.

NAVIBIGIEM Dallas 2024AncientJDCiMw0nderful
NAVI BIG IEM Dallas 2024 Ancient JDC iM w0nderful

In the heated Group B confrontation at the IEM Dallas 2024 tournament, the Ukrainian team NAVI proved to be stronger than the German team BIG, securing a confident victory with a score of 13:9 on the Ancient map. NAVI's team rating during the match was 1.16 against BIG's 0.96, indicating a high level of play. NAVI's advantage was also demonstrated by the number of won clutches - 3 to 0 in favor of the Ukrainian side, as well as better first kill stats - 9 to 13 in favor of BIG, which points to effective tactics and team play. However, the player with the nickname JDC stood out among others, setting the match record for the number of kills (24), the highest amount of damage dealt (119.2), the highest number of first kills (6), and the best rating 2.0 (1.79). Player iM also deserves recognition for the most assists (7), and w0nderful for the most AWP sniper rifle kills (6). This victory strengthens NAVI's positions in the tournament, increasing their chances for further success in the competition.

Also interesting
NAVI (Natus Vincere) players
BIG players