Marcos Gaming, with shox at the Helm, Wins BLAST The Draft: Season 1

Marcos Gaming, led by shox, has triumphed in the BLAST The Draft: Season 1 tournament, taking home the $20,000 prize after defeating True Rippers with kennyS.

Marcos Gaming shox BLAST The Draft True Rippers kennyS

The esports team Marcos Gaming, featuring the renowned player shox, has secured the championship title at the BLAST The Draft: Season 1 tournament, defeating the team True Rippers, which includes the equally famed kennyS. In an intense BO5 final, Marcos Gaming showcased a high level of skill and well-coordinated team play, which allowed them to clinch the victory and the main prize of $20,000. This tournament has been a significant achievement for Marcos Gaming and confirmed the high level of shox's skills as a leader and player.

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